I'm still having camera problems, as you can perhaps infer from my continued use of photobooth, but Bonnie left me a helpful comment suggesting that I download the softwear for my camera. Thank you Bonnie! I´m such a technodolt that options such as downloading a program I need have to be pointed out to me. And I call myself a student of the media. Sheesh.
Anyways, when I go home on March 19, I have every intention of getting some of my more techno-savvy Icelandic friends to give me tutorials on how to make my blog look a bit cooler, add links inside the posts instead of just in the sidebar and, you know, generally cool stuff like that. I swear on a bunch of Icelandic sheep that one day I shall have a cool blog that includes more than just photobooth pictures!
Until I go home I have kind of a full plate, however. Tomorrow my lovely boyfriend is coming for a four-day visit. He currently lives in Cambridge (England), and I'm here in Copenhagen, and I gotta tell you, I cannot reccommend this long-distance thing. We'd lived together for four years prior to this winter of long-distance love, so just seeing each other for a few days every couple of months is definately a change of pace for us. Still, it could totally be alot worse. The flight between London and Copenhagen is only an hour and a half, and if we book in advance we can get tickets pretty cheap. I miss him sooo much, and am positively giddy about his visit. We both have tons of work to do, but we'll have fun just hanging out, cooking good food and walking around beautiful Copenhagen (not snowy anymore!). Then a couple of days after the departure of boyfriend the arrival of mom will take place. Yep, my mom is coming to visit me for 12 action-packed days, and will then accompany me back to Iceland. I'm also ridiculously exited about this visit, mom is such fun to hang out with. We'll go to museums, go shopping, go to the movies, drink beer. And because, like me and boyfriend, mom is also a graduate student, I don't even have to worry about her disturbing my work too much, because she´s bringing a ton of her own work with her. So both of these visits will be well-balanced work/play equations. Hooray for family!
I will try to blog some, but probably won't much. But will try.
Just wanted to say hello--I got here via Cassie and wanted to compliment you on your new blog and the gorgeous pullover in your first post. :-)
I spent one year studying at Cambridge, so that's something we have in common. :-)
Ooh, I know how to make links inside the blog post! First, you need to find the link and copy it - Ctrl-C. Or if you right click on the link you might be able to "copy link location". Then, in your blog post, highlight the word you want to be the link, and click on the link icon - it looks like a chain on top of a globe. It will pop up a new dialog box and ask to enter it. Then you paste your link (if it has http:// in the box, delete it first), and click okay. Then the link should work!
I *like* the photobooth pictures! The shawl is wonderful. So, that's mitts and a shawl on your accessories (not cardis!) list. What's next, a hat? Smoke ring? Leggings? --Syl
I am so pleased that I am not the only selfish knitter who doesn't particularily like to knit socks. What else in common? You live in Copenhagen, my parents will be going all the way from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada to Copenhagen to start a Baltic cruise in July. Tenuous connection at best. Good luck with the new blog- I too got here via Cassie. You have been added to my list of things to read when I am supposed to be writing.
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