I took some pictures of what my street looked like this morning, just to document the snowy loveliness (I really like it!), but I'm still having camera problems. Or rather just one very specific problem. My camera and computer don't seem to be able to talk to each other. The camera is, at this moment, clearly hooked up to the computer, yet the computer clearly states, at this same moment, that, and I quote, 'No Image Capture device connected'. What's going on? Is my camera broken? Is my computer broken? Am I perhaps just monumentally stupid? Man, the simplest things can be so perplexing at times!
Fortunately, I still have my trusty photobooth, and courtesy of that I now offer some knitted photocontent:

That's a nice armwarmer, eh? I made it using Cassie's pattern, Icelandic Loðband and 2.5 mm needles. Made them, I should say, I have a pair, but the other one's not in the photo because I didn't think of it at the time. Anyway, you're not missing much, the other one's basically identical. I love these mitts and haven't taken them off since they finished blocking. They're also a nice easygoing project, good for watching TV and such, so I'll probably make them again. Next time, though, I'll probably make them stripy to show off the waviness of the pattern. I miss the waves on this solid-colored version.
Actually, I think they look lovely in a solid color - very elegant and actually downright sexy (maybe I should make another pair?). Thanks for letting me know you were knitting them, its really nice to see something made from my pattern (and so beautifully made too - I love the edging color at the bottom).
Hi, I noticed that you live in Denmark and although I live in the other end of the country (Aalborg), I thought you should know about the Danish online knitting community "webstrik" on Yahoo. Although it is Danish, we also have swedish, norwegian and icelandic members, so you might be interested? In case you are interested and/or have any problems applying, you're welcome to write to me at ficZhAThotmailDOTcom
And by the way - lovely armwarmers! I think the contrasting colour really brings out the waviness.
have you thought about downloading the software for your camera? Enjoying your blog.
Nice work! I like the width of the lavender edging. What accessory will you knit next? --Syl
I just came over from Cassie's blog to admire your arm warmers - and realised what a small world it is. I live in Cambridge, UK, and have done for years! Funny how people meet in Cyberspace... I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I've been meaning to knit those wristwarmers since Cassie posted the pattern. I have the yarn and everything. Well actually it's leftover yarn from another project but at least I have it. It's eingirni in red colors.
If you're interested you can join our Icelandic online knitting group - Garnaflækja - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/garnaflaekja
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