Wow! Is this the coolest book ever or what? (Please just ignore the fact that I´m way to lazy to get my camera problems fixed and am still relying on the photobooth.) I got the book at the library yesterday and have become a little obsessed with it over the last 24 hours.
I mean, look at this guy. He is the Bishop of Leicester, which sounds like a big deal to me, and he is also a prolific knitter. I will bet you anything that he knit that beautiful flowery cardigan he's wearing himself. And he just looks so happy and content in this picture, a knitter completely at ease with himself. I just love this cover.
And then, of course, there is the content of the book which is just great as well. A thorough history of the art of knitting, with lots of pictures and entertaining morsels of information. I give this book an unequivocal thumbs up.
I've found it for sale (because now that I know of it's existence I must own it. I'm just a very possessive person) on a few sites, but the only copies I've seen photos of have a different cover from this one. Now, that simply won't do! I have to have the version where the Bishop of Leicester is on the cover. Just looking at him makes me smile. This problem could be solved, of course, if only I had easy access to a scanner. I could just scan the Bishop cover and then buy me a version of the book that has a different cover, and then print the bishop cover and glue it the **** on there! (I know I shouldn't think swear words in the same sentence as the Bishop of Leicester. I'm just so excited about this). Some of my friends and acquaintances have scanners, I'm just a little worried that they'll find my enthusiasm for this cover odd. But that's their problem, right?
Now, I really should get some studying done.
1 comment:
Hi! I think the one you checked out from the library may be the 1980s Batsford edition, published in the UK? If yes, you can find it on sale on used book sites (try www.abebooks.com, I've seen it offered there); you can always contact the seller to confirm it's the edition you want. I just bought the book in the more recent Interweave Press edition & am enjoying it greatly. Good luck with your sock knitting!
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