This is the first cuff of the first of a pair of socks. I'm afraid that's all I can divulge at the moment, cause, you know, they're a secret special occasion present. I'm pretty sure the intended recipient doesn't read the blog, but just in case, let's all just keep them on the hush-hush, okay? I can probably also tell you, without spoiling the surprise, that the pattern is superfun to knit and the yarn, which is called strømpe- og jumpergarn (that's all the information the ball band provides, no manufacturer or anything), is unbelievably soft. It's just normal sockyarn made from wool and nylon, but it's nicer and softer than what I've worked with up til now. Hopefully I'll have these knitted up soon, so I can continue working on a certain lovely cardigan. Yes, a cardigan, big surprise. I tried taking pictures of the cardigan in progress with the photobooth, but they all turned out to be too crappy for public consumption. I will try to find a way to bring you visual proof of the cardigan, but you'll have to bear with me.
In other news, things may just be looking up on the camera vs. computer front. These pieces of equipment still resolutely refuse to have any kind of dialogue, and I've tried everything I could think of. I was practically on the verge of just buying a new camera (desperate measures on a student's budget). Well, I finally went to see this professional computer guy, and at first he was stumped, just like everyone else I've brought this problem up with. But then he helpfully suggested that I may simply need to reformat my camera's memory stick, since I used to work on a PC but now have a Mac. I really hope that this will solve the problem for me and that I will be able to offer a properly illustrated blog in the future, with pictures of my FO's draped artistically over tree branches, on location at the lake behind my house. And I could show you the lake! And my house! Wooo, just the thought gets me all excited. Wish me luck.
Good luck! It really sounds like a weird problem.
Your first sock is looking fine indeed. It might be that the yarn you're using is from hjertegarn, or at least something similar. It's a wool/nylon blend, really soft, and has the same text on the label (strömpe og jumper garn).
Hmm, a Mac should be able to use a PC-formatted memory stick, but maybe something weird happened with it and it just needs to be reformatted anyway. Good luck!
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