Something else important happened yesterday: Iceland had an election (notice my excellent priorities: Eurovision Song Contest first, government issues second). Again, my favorite didn't win, but still I always love an election. Watching democracy in action is pretty cool, even if it really rams home the point that me and my opinions belong to a minority. But that's okay, better luck next time.
I still haven't fixed my camera issues. I'm not going to bore you with the details of why not, but I'm working on it, albeit very slowly. So, brought to you by trusty photobooth:

One finished secret sock (sans blocking) and his in-progress brother. I changed the pattern a little bit, and didn't decrease as much in the gusset as I should have. I also just kind of winged it with the toe. When I got to the toe I was watching this movie starring Johnny Depp that was on TV, and I couldn't immediately locate the book the sock pattern is in. It wasn't anywhere close to hand, and I'll be damned if I let a small matter like a knitting pattern interrupt my viewing pleasure when Johnny Depp himself is at stake. So I just did some kind of decrease and then grafting, whatever. It turned out fine, although pretty different from what the pattern wanted me to do. Who cares, as long as it works, right?
Lucky you, for me it is exactly opposite. I seem to like the contest less and less with every year. I used to appreciate the tackiness, but now it doesn't even make me laugh anymore. Very, very sad.
I hope you get the camera talking to the computer soon, I'd like to see a closeup of the sock.
Which Johnny Depp movie? I agree, you can't interrupt his movies to go find something important like a pattern. ;)
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