Friday, May 18, 2007

The EZ revelation

I've been down with some kind of weird flu or something for the past few days; symptoms have been headaches and footaches, along with general exhaustion. I haven't really had the energy to blog, or even read blogs, let alone do any serious schoolwork. However, luckily for me, my order of two books, Knitter's Almanac and Knitting without tears by Elizabeth Zimmerman, arrived just in time for my illness, so I've been able to enterain myself with those. Hooboy, could that lady ever write a text on knitting! She is just so down to earth, and no-nonsense. None of that ridiculous perfectionist crap that some people (read: me) have a tendency to brainwash themselves with. Anything goes with her, and if you screw up she points out a zillion ways to fix the problem in a totally relaxed way. I like her and intend to get more of her books, as soon as I have some money.
I have finished the secret socks, both of them. I was going to show you a picture, but for some reason Blogger won't let me. Hopefully, if I try again tomorrow, it will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good afternoon bros. I'm really into shoes and I had been looking for that exact make. The prices seeking the shoes are all over 210 pounds everwhere. But completely I base this site selling them for half price. I absolutely want those [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will definetly buy those. what can you tell me about these?