Just to show you that I have been knitting during September, even though I haven't been posting about it. It's foliage from the latest knitty. I loved this pattern. Here's another view:

This is the less bulky version of this pattern, made with one skein and just a little bit of a second of Létt-lopi. I enjoyed this pattern so much that I think I want to try to knit the bulkier version too. We'll see.
I recently got a very helpful email from an unnamed fellow blogger who encouraged me to get over my obsession with knitting the same damn cardigan (in this case, my beloved Callie. I've known forever that my cardigan obsession borders on the ridiculous, but somehow, I've always managed to convince myself that I really do need to knit one more. My boyfriend has occasionally asked: "Do you really need another cardigan?" but I've never really listened to him. He's not a knitter, and so, in my warped mind, he simply doesn't understand the urge to knit cardigan after cardigan after cardigan.
But having a fellow knitter sweetly point out to me that perhaps it's time for me to move on really got to me. Probably because I know that she understands the urge one has to knit a certain project. But it's also important coming from her because she knows that there's a whole world of wonderful patterns that I'm missing out on if I just keep knitting the same one over and over again.
So. I'm going to try to cut down on the cardigans. Even though I find this one rather enticing. But I'm really going to try, very hard, to do other stuff. I'm thinking mittens.
Oh, I probably should tell you, though, that I do have a cardigan on the needles at present. Well, make that two. But they are neither of them Callie. And one isn't even for me. But more on that later.
I don't think I've ever said this, and maybe it doesn't really need saying, but thank you for your comments. I really suck at getting back to you guys, but I appreciate every single one. So thanks, and keep'em coming!